Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Silver City, NM; October 30, 2012—The Southwestern Region of USDA Forest Service announces a meeting for vendors interested in providing resources to support wildfires and other emergency incidents. Scheduled for November 13, 2012, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. throughout multiple locations in New Mexico and Arizona, the meeting is via video tele-conferencing (VTC). In southwest New Mexico, the VTC is scheduled at the Gila National Forest Supervisor’s Office, 3005 E. Camino del Bosque, Silver City.

Interested vendors will learn about registration required to become a government vendor, how to find and respond to a solicitation through the Virtual Incident Procurement (VIPR) system, and how to read and understand contract requirements for specific equipment!  The following resource types will be obtained by competitive solicitation for Fiscal Year 2013:
•           Mobile laundry units
•           Potable and gray water trucks/Trailer-mounted hand washing units
•           Portable toilets/Wheelchair accessible portable toilets/Portable hand wash units
•           Fuel tenders
•           Aircraft Rescue Firefighting Apparatus (formerly Crash Rescue Trucks)
•           Miscellaneous Heavy Equipment (feller bunchers/masticators/road graders/skidders)

Although not an inclusive list, other common types of equipment used to support  emergency incidents include: 
•           All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and Utility Vehicles (UTVs)
•           Chainsaw repair kits
•           Chippers
•           Coach bus
•           Computers and Printers; Copiers
•           Heavy Equipment (dozers/excavators/transports)
•           Mechanic with Service Truck
•           Mobile Sleeper Units
•           Vehicle rentals (passenger vehicles and trucks without operators)
•           Vehicle with Driver (usually owned by individuals or small business and used for hauling  supplies)
•           Water Handling Equipment (support & tactical water tenders and engines)

To find the location of other VTC locations, call the Gila National Forest’s Supervisor’s Office at 575.388.8201 or [download Word doc here]. Office hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Website link for VIPR information:
Current solicitation notices are published at:

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